Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Lurking in the Aisles of the Toy Shop

From past experience, I imagine that the infamous Furby will, once again, be a well-stocked item at every toy shop this shopping season. Why would I assume that the Furby phenomenon will continue to
toy shop
reign this year? Well, past history is a great indicator of future performance, and the Furby manufacturer is adept at redesigning the Furby to meet new desires.

These days, you can find the newest version of the Furby for about $55 here.

Long-time Favorite For Many Years
Launched in 1998, tens of millions of the original Furbies were sold. Parents of today remember having the early designs of these furry creatures and will, most likely, search every toy shop available to find a new Furby for their child. Fond memories of the past are great selling tools for manufacturers.

Appeal of the Furby
Where else can you find such a popular toy that appeals to girls AND boys of many age groups? The cute factor also plays a large role in the sales of this furry creature. What can be more satisfying than a lovable toy that sings happily and talks to you, all in one?

The Interactive Bonus
Every toy shop owner knows that a toy that interacts with the kids is a big seller. The cuddly Furby does just that. Stand two Furbies facing each other and there will be a lot of chatting, singing and dancing going on. Tickle this furry creature and there's laughter, if he hears music he will sing, and these little guys also have the capability to learn some English!

He is a Christmas list priority item
Furby has moved from the arena of popular toy to the "I must have this for Christmas or I will cry" toy. Kids know that if everyone else has one, they must have one. No child endures well the stigma of not having the favorite item of the season.

Few parents have the capacity to deny their child their most desired object. Especially when said object is fair priced and absolutely adorable. Actually, I think many parents love this toy as much as their children do. Search every toy shop until you find one.

Educational toy or hype
We could argue the educational value of this furry little toy, but why argue during the holidays? Coincidentally, arguing in the wrong tone will cause your Furby to become a bit evil. Speaking kindly to this little guy results in kindness in return, getting a little rough results in less of a sweet personality with him. Possibly this sort of interaction with Furby IS educational in a cause and effect sort of way.

The Christmas toy of every parent's nightmares
Parental opinion of this toy comes from a different perspective than the child's opinion. Your child awakening in the night because of a chatty Furby is not conducive to a good night's sleep. Did the manufacturer fail to include an "off" button for a reason? Strong-willed parents sneak the fluffy guy out of the bedrooms late at night to ensure the kid's have a full night of sleep.

Finding the perfect Furby this season is as simple as getting in touch with one of your favorite toy shops. Waiting too long to find this coveted gift could result in a very sad little face on Christmas morning and we certainly don't want that to happen!

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